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Hello Concourse

Visit the hello world example.

  • Review the pipeline configuration.
  • Locate the pipeline in your repository.

Set the pipeline

Use the fly CLI to "set" the pipeline.


Look up the syntax for the fly set-pipeline command.

After the pipeline is set

  • Can you see the pipeline in the Concourse dashboard?
  • Use the fly CLI to list the pipelines in your team.

    Is the pipeline you just set on the list?

Pipeline are initially in paused state. A paused pipeline does not run until it is unpaused.

  • Use the fly CLI to unpause the pipeline.

    Can you figure out how to pause or unpause a pipeline from the dashboard?

After the pipeline is unpaused

  • Can you identify the name of the job?
  • What is the fly CLI command to list the jobs that belong to a pipeline?

  • Edit the pipeline yaml: rename the job to something more meaningful, such as say-hello.

  • Set the pipeline again, and confirm that the job name has updated.

  • Use the fly CLI to execute the job in question.


    Look up the help for the command fly trigger-job

  • Use the Concourse dashboard to watch the job run.

  • Can you figure out how to execute a job a second time, this time from the dashboard instead of the CLI?

Each time a job is run, it produces a "build".

In the dashboard, navigate to a completed build.

  • Can you figure out how to view the output?

  • Can you figure out the fly CLI command to view the output of a build?


    Look up the help for the command fly watch


Congratulations. You have set and run your first Concourse pipeline.