The following content is distilled from the Envoy Gateway docs.
The objective is to collect Gateway metrics with Prometheus and expose them through Grafana dashboards.
Generate a load¶
while true; do
curl --head https://httpbin.esuez.org/json --resolve httpbin.esuez.org:443:$GATEWAY_IP
sleep 0.5
Deploy Observability tools¶
The following command will deploy all necessary observability tools to the monitoring
namespace, including prometheus and grafana:
helm install eg-addons oci://docker.io/envoyproxy/gateway-addons-helm \
--version v1.1.0 \
--set opentelemetry-collector.enabled=true \
-n monitoring --create-namespace
Confirm that Prometheus, Grafana, and other observability tools (loki, tempo, fluent-bit) are running in the monitoring
Monitor Envoy¶
A LoadBalancer type service is already defined for Grafana in the monitoring
If you're running locally or don't have a public IP address associated with the service, you can use the kubectl port-forward
Visit localhost:3000 and login to grafana using admin:admin
- The prometheus data source is already configured.
- Several Envoy monitoring dashboards have already be imported and can be seen in the
You will find four distinct dashboards:
- envoy global: monitor envoy proxy
- envoy gateway global: monitor envoy gateway
- envoy clusters: envoy proxy metrics with cluster/service-level granularity
- resources monitor: monitor resource utilization of Envoy and Envoy Gateway
Ad-hoc query metrics¶
A LoadBalancer type service is already defined for Prometheus in the monitoring
If you're running locally or don't have a public IP address associated with the service, you can use the kubectl port-forward
Visit localhost:9090 and look for the retry metric from the retries lab: