Estimated Time: 30 minutes

1. Preface

In this lab, we build on the foundation we’ve picked up from the first lab. We introduce new commands that are essential for developers working with cloudfoundry. You’ll learn how to tail logs, view application events, and scale an application with ease. The last portion of the lab focuses on demonstrating one of the high availability characteristics of the cloud foundry platform: automatic restart of a failed application instance. Enjoy.

2. Exercises

2.1. Push the articulate application

  1. Download the articulate application. Copy the file to folder: ~/pivotal-cloud-foundry-developer-workshop/articulate/ (~ is shorthand for the home directory in Linux, Mac and Unix based operating systems). You will need to create this directory in your home directory.

    If your browser warns you about downloading this file please proceed to download it.

    Source is not required, but you may be curious how it works as you move through the labs.

  2. Push the articulate application.

    cd ~/pivotal-cloud-foundry-developer-workshop/articulate/
    cf push articulate -p ./articulate-0.3.jar -m 512M --random-route --no-start

    Notice how this time, we use the -p flag to tell the cf command what file to upload.

2.2. Access articulate logs

  1. Review the documentation on application logging.

  2. Tail the logs of the articulate application.

    cf logs articulate
  3. Open another terminal window and start the articulate application. Review the output from both terminal windows.

    cf start articulate
  4. Open a browser and view the articulate application. Read about our demo application.

  5. Observe the log output when the articulate web page is refreshed. More logs are added!

  6. Stop tailing logs

    1. Go to the terminal tailing the logs

    2. Send an interrupt (Ctrl+C)

2.2.1. Questions

  • Where should your application write logs?

  • What are some of the different origin codes seen in the log?

  • How does this change how you access logs today? At scale?

2.3. Access articulate events

Events for the application can also be used to complement the logs in determining what has occurred with an application.

cf events articulate

2.4. Scale articulate

2.4.1. Scale up

  1. Start tailing the logs again.

    cf logs articulate | grep "API\|CELL"
    cf logs articulate | findstr "API CELL"

    The above statement filters only matching log lines from the Cloud Controller and Cell components.

  2. In another terminal window scale articulate.

    cf scale articulate -m 1G
  3. Observe log output.

  4. Stop tailing the logs.

  5. Scale articulate back to our original settings.

    cf scale articulate -m 512M

2.4.2. Scale out

  1. Browse to the Scale and HA page of the articulate application.

    Scale and HA

    Review the Application Environment Information.

  2. Press the Refresh button multiple times. All requests are going to one application instance.

  3. Start tailing the logs.

    cf logs articulate | grep 'API\|CELL'
    cf logs articulate | findstr "API CELL"
  4. In another terminal window, scale the articulate application.

    cf scale articulate -i 3
  5. Observe log output. Then stop tailing the logs.

  6. Return to articulate in a web browser. Press the Refresh button several times. Observe the Addresses and Instance Index changing.

Notice how quickly the new application instances are provisioned and subsequently load balanced!

2.4.3. Questions

  • What is the difference between scaling out versus scaling up?

2.5. High Availability

Pivotal Cloud Foundry has 4 levels of HA (High Availability) that keep your applications and the underlying platform running. In this section, we will demonstrate one of them. Failed application instances will be recovered.

  1. At this time you should be running multiple instances of articulate. Confirm this with the following command:

    cf app articulate
  2. Return to articulate in a web browser (Scale and HA page). Press the Refresh button. Confirm the application is running.

  3. Kill the app. Press the Kill button!

  4. Check the state of the app through the cf CLI.

    cf app articulate

    Sample output below (notice the requested state vs actual state). In this case, Pivotal Cloud Foundry had already detected the failure and is starting a new instance.

    requested state: started
    instances: 3/3
    usage: 512M x 3 instances
    last uploaded: Mon Mar 21 20:27:57 UTC 2016
    stack: cflinuxfs2
    buildpack: java-buildpack=v3.5.1-offline- java-main open-jdk-like-jre=1.8.0_65 open-jdk-like-memory-calculator=2.0.1_RELEASE spring-auto-reconfiguration=1.10.0_RELEASE
         state      since                    cpu     memory           disk           details
    #0   starting   2016-03-21 04:16:23 PM   0.0%    692K of 512M     93.4M of 1G
    #1   running    2016-03-21 03:28:58 PM   0.5%    410.4M of 512M   158.8M of 1G
    #2   running    2016-03-21 04:15:57 PM   23.9%   357.8M of 512M   158.8M of 1G

    Repeat this command as necessary until state = running.

  5. In your browser, Refresh the articulate application.

    The app is back up!

    A new, healthy app instance has been automatically provisioned to replace the failing one.

  6. View which instance was killed.

    cf events articulate
  7. Scale articulate back to our original settings.

    cf scale articulate -i 1

2.5.1. Questions

  • How do you recover failing application instances today?

  • What effect does this have on your application design?

  • How could you determine if your application has been crashing?

3. Beyond the class