Estimated Time: 25 minutes

1. Preface

Route services can be put to use in many ways: to cache responses from back-end services, to control access to an application, to audit how an application is accessed, and more.

In this lab you’ll deploy a route service that will allow you to rate-limit access to the attendee-service application. In the process you’ll learn yet more cf CLI commands, namely the create-user-provided-service command with a new flag (-r), and the bind-route-service command.

Don’t forget to examine the source code to understand how this route service is implemented.

2. Exercises

2.1. Setup

  1. Download this zip file, which contains source code and jar ready for you to deploy (no building necessary). Copy the file to folder: ~/pivotal-cloud-foundry-developer-workshop/ (~ is shorthand for the home directory in Linux, Mac and Unix based operating systems). You will need to create this directory in your home directory.

  2. Extract the the zip file to ~/pivotal-cloud-foundry-developer-workshop/route-service.

  3. OPTIONAL STEP - Import applications into your IDE such as Spring Tool Suite (STS).

STS Import Help:

Select File  Import…​ Then select Maven → Existing Maven Projects. On the Import Maven Project page, browse to the directory where you extracted the zip. Then push the "Next" button. Click "Finish".

2.2. Route Service Overview

  1. Review the documentation on Route Services.

2.3. Scenario

Route services can be used for a number of things such as logging, transformations, security and rate limiting.

Our rate-limiter-app application will do a couple of things. It will log incoming and outgoing requests. It will also impose a rate limit. No more than 3 requests per 15 seconds. Rate limited requests will be returned with a HTTP status code 429 (too many requests). Rate limiting is very common in the API space. Rate limiting protects your API from being overrun. The rate-limiter-app application will keep its state in Redis.

The attendee-service service exposes a RESTful API, so we will front it with our rate-limiter-app.

2.4. Implementing rate-limiter-app

  1. Review the following file: ~/pivotal-cloud-foundry-developer-workshop/route-service/src/main/java/org/cloudfoundry/example/

    final class Controller {
        static final String FORWARDED_URL = "X-CF-Forwarded-Url";
        static final String PROXY_METADATA = "X-CF-Proxy-Metadata";
        static final String PROXY_SIGNATURE = "X-CF-Proxy-Signature";
        private final static  Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Controller.class);
        private final RestOperations restOperations;
        private RateLimiter rateLimiter;
        Controller(RestOperations restOperations,  RateLimiter rateLimiter) {
            this.restOperations = restOperations;
            this.rateLimiter = rateLimiter;
        @RequestMapping(headers = {FORWARDED_URL, PROXY_METADATA, PROXY_SIGNATURE})
        ResponseEntity<?> service(RequestEntity<byte[]> incoming) {
            logger.debug("Incoming Request: {}", incoming);
                logger.debug("Rate Limit imposed");
            	return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS);
            RequestEntity<?> outgoing = getOutgoingRequest(incoming);
            logger.debug("Outgoing Request: {}", outgoing);
            return, byte[].class);
        private static RequestEntity<?> getOutgoingRequest(RequestEntity<?> incoming) {
            HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
            URI uri = headers.remove(FORWARDED_URL).stream()
                .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException(String.format("No %s header present", FORWARDED_URL)));
            return new RequestEntity<>(incoming.getBody(), headers, incoming.getMethod(), uri);
    What’s happening?

    The service method is where the rate-limiter-app application handles incoming requests.

    1. Any request with the X-CF-Forwarded-Url, X-CF-Proxy-Metadata, and X-CF-Proxy-Signature headers gets handled by the service method.

    2. Log the incoming request.

    3. Check the rateLimiter to see if the number of requests has exceeded the rate limit threshold. If the threshold is exceeded return a HTTP status code 429 (too many requests). If the threshold is not exceeded remove the FORWARDED_URL header, log the outgoing request, and send the outgoing request to the downstream application.

  2. Review the following file: ~/pivotal-cloud-foundry-developer-workshop/route-service/src/main/java/org/cloudfoundry/example/

    public class RateLimiter {
        private final static  Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RateLimiter.class);
        private final String KEY = "host";
        private StringRedisTemplate redisTemplate;
        @Scheduled(fixedRate = 15000)
        public void resetCounts() {
            logger.debug("Starting new 15 second interval");
        public boolean rateLimitRequest(RequestEntity<?> incoming)  {
            String forwardUrl = incoming.getHeaders().get(Controller.FORWARDED_URL).get(0);
            URI uri;
            try {
                uri = new URI(forwardUrl);
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                logger.error("error parsing url", e);
                return false;
            String host = uri.getHost();
            String value = (String)redisTemplate.opsForHash().get(KEY, host);
              int requestsPerInterval = 1;
            if (value == null){
                redisTemplate.opsForHash().put(KEY, host, "1");
                requestsPerInterval = Integer.parseInt(value) + 1;
                redisTemplate.opsForHash().increment(KEY, host, 1);
            if(requestsPerInterval > 3)
                return true;
                return false;
    What’s happening?

    The rateLimitRequest method determines whether a request should be rate limited.

    1. Increment the request count by host.

    2. Return true if request should be rate limited (requestsPerInterval > 3).

    3. Return false if request should not be rate limited (requestsPerInterval ⇐ 3).

    The resetCounts method deletes the Redis KEY every 15 seconds, which resets the counts by deleting all the state.

    This is an example implementation for lab purposes only. A proper rate limiting service would need to uniquely identify the client. That can be accomplished via an API key, the X-Forwarded-For header, or other approaches.

2.5. Push rate-limiter-app

  1. Push rate-limiter-app:

    cd ~/pivotal-cloud-foundry-developer-workshop/route-service/


    cf push rate-limiter-app -p ./target/route-service-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar -m 512M --random-route --no-start
  2. Create a Redis service instance

    In PWS, the marketplace service for Redis is called "rediscloud".

    cf create-service rediscloud 30mb redis

    Pivotal provides a redis managed service named "p-redis".

    cf create-service p-redis shared-vm redis
  3. Bind the service instance.

    cf bind-service rate-limiter-app redis
  4. Start the application.

    cf start rate-limiter-app

2.6. Create a Route Service and Bind it to a Route

  1. Create a user provided service. Let’s call it rate-limiter-service.

    cf create-user-provided-service rate-limiter-service -r {{ratelimiter_baseurl}}
  2. Bind the rate-limiter-service to the attendee-service route.

    cf bind-route-service {{domain_name}} rate-limiter-service --hostname {{attendee_service_hostname}}

2.7. Observe the effects of the rate-limiter-app

  1. Tail the logs of the rate-limiter-app application.

    cf logs rate-limiter-app
  2. Choose a client of your preference, but one that can show HTTP status code. Hit an attendee-service endpoint (e.g. /attendees) several times and see if you can get the rate limit to trigger. Observe the logs.

    Pic below is using Chrome with the Developer Tools.

    Rate Limit

2.8. Questions

  • What are the key headers used to implement route services (Service Instance Responsibilities)?

  • How would you apply route services in your environment?

2.9. Clean up

  1. Unbind the route service.

    cf unbind-route-service {{domain_name}} rate-limiter-service --hostname {{attendee_service_hostname}}
  2. Delete rate-limiter-service service instance.

    cf delete-service rate-limiter-service
  3. Unbind redis service instance from the app.

    cf unbind-service rate-limiter-app redis
  4. Delete the redis service instance.

    cf delete-service redis
  5. Delete the rate-limiter-app app.

    cf delete rate-limiter-app