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Assemble the products

In this lab, you will assemble into the blobstore all the product artifacts needed to provision Pivotal Platform. The goal is not to fetch these products once, but to have a pipeline that can fetch new versions of these products daily.

Identify products to download

Here is a starting list of products to build a foundation:

  • Ops Manager
  • Pivotal Application Service (PAS) (and corresponding Stemcell).

    In this course, we will deploy the Small Footprint version of PAS. - Pivotal Healthwatch (and corresponding Stemcell)

A glance at the products the Tanzu Network shows that the PAS product is the largest, at approximately 10GB file. Healthwatch is approximately 2GB. The Ops Manager YAML for GCP on the other hand is tiny: in the order of 200 bytes.


The source of these products is the Tanzu Network. The target (or destination) is the gcs blobstore.

With Concourse, one usually models both the source and target as resources. A job can then get the source resource and put it to the target resource.

Platform Automation recommends a different approach:

  • Instead of modeling source resources, use a special task named download-product to fetch the artifacts from the Tanzu Network.

The download-product task

Read about the download-product task here. Note the reference to an accompanying config file.

Here is a rough outline for our pipeline:

  • define a target resource for each artifact in the gcs blobstore
  • define one job per product to download (i.e. fetch-opsman, fetch-pas, fetch-healtwatch)
  • download each product using the download-product task
  • use a separate configuration file to configure the download-product task
  • put the downloaded artifact into the gcs blobstore

Where to store the configuration files

You will place configuration files in a git repository, separate from the pipeline.

A git repository can be modeled as a resource in Concourse.

We can add a step to the above outline:

  • get the contents of the repository before invoking the download-product task.

The pipeline

Use the test pipeline from the previous lab as the starting point.

The test pipeline already defines the two platform automation resources, which are necessary to run the download-product task or any other platform automation task.

  • Navigate to ~/workspace/pipelines.
  • Copy test-pipeline.yml to a new file fetch-products.yml.

Start with a single product, the smallest product, the Ops Manager YAML artifact.

Rename the job from test-job to fetch-opsman. The in_parallel step is required for any job that uses a platform automation tasks, so keep it.

The documentation of donwload-product provides example usage for downloading products from Pivnet.

  • Grab a copy of the Pivnet Usage (yaml) from the docs.
  • Replace the test task with the download-product task usage sample.
  • Rename the task to download-opsman-product
  • The CONFIG_FILE value should read download-product/opsman.yml
  • The output_mapping line is not needed. Delete that line.

Your job should look like this:

- name: fetch-opsman
  - in_parallel:
    - get: platform-automation-tasks
      params: { unpack: true }
    - get: platform-automation-image
      params: { unpack: true }
  - task: download-opsman-product
    image: platform-automation-image
    file: platform-automation-tasks/tasks/download-product.yml
      CONFIG_FILE: download-product/opsman.yml
      config: configuration

The task reference for download product defines outputs. The downloaded product will be available in a subdirectory named downloaded-product.

Append a put step to copy the downloaded product to gcs:

  - put: opsman-product
      file: downloaded-product/*

Define a resource named opsman-product patterned after the other two gcs products already in your pipeline:

- name: opsman-product
  type: gcs
    bucket: ((bucket))
    regexp: \[ops-manager,(.*)\].*.yml
    json_key: ((json_key))

Remember that resources go in a different section of the pipeline yaml, under resources.

The configuration files will come from a git repository Add a git repository resource:

- name: configuration
  type: git
    private_key: ((config-repo-key.private_key))
    uri: ((config-repo-uri))

Note that we name this resource configuration.

In the job, under the in_parallel step, append a get step to fetch the contents of the git repository:

- get: configuration

The Git Repository

  • If you do not have a personal public GitHub account, head over to and create one.
  • Sign in to your account
  • Click the green New button to create a new git repository
  • Name your repository platform-config
  • Click Create repository
  • Copy to your clipboard the set of instructions under the title ..or create a new repository on the command line

On the jumpbox:

  • Create the directory ~/workspace/platform-config and navigate into it.
  • Make sure that your working directory is ~/workspace/platform-config
  • Paste the instructions into your shell

The last instruction, git push, will fail.

Setup a deploy key

In your GitHub repository in your browser:

  • Click Settings
  • Select the tab Deploy keys
  • Open the guide on deploy keys in a separate tab
  • Follow the link to the instructions to Run the ssh-keygen procedure

This will generate a keypair ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/

  • Copy the contents of the public key (the one with the .pub suffix).
  • Back in your repository, click Add deploy key
  • Give the key a title
  • Paste the public key
  • Check Allow write access
  • Click Add key

Re-run the git push instruction:

git push -u origin master

Create the config file

study the documentation to figure out how to code download-product/opsman.yml ,

Grab the contents of the Tanzu Network tab as a starting point.

pivnet-api-token: ((pivnet-token))
pivnet-file-glob: "ops-manager-gcp-*.yml"
pivnet-product-slug: ops-manager
product-version-regex: ^2\.8\..*$
blobstore-bucket: ((bucket))


  • A pivnet token must be supplied for the job to be authorized to fetch products
  • The slug is the product name (matches the output of pivnet products)
  • The file glob is a pattern that matches the file to download
  • The version regex specifies a range of versions to match

Save the file, add it to git, commit it, and push it to your repository.

Visit your repository on github and verify that the new file is now present.

Store new secrets

The new pipeline references two new secrets which are not yet in credhub:

  • config-repo-uri
  • config-repo-key

opsman.yml also references a variable:

  • pivnet-token

In ~/workspace, draft a new credentials.yml file, like so:

- name: /concourse/main/pivnet-token
  type: password
  value: enter-your-pivnet-token-in-my-place
- name: /concourse/main/config-repo-uri
  type: value
- name: /concourse/main/config-repo-key
  type: ssh
    public_key: paste your public key here all on a single line
    private_key: |
      indented to spaces
      like i'm showing here


  • Be sure to use the ssh uri to your git repo
  • The repository key is a key pair, of type ssh and has two parts (though we only dereference the private key)
  • Mind the indentation with yaml

Import the file into CredHub:

credhub import -f credentials.yml
  • Verify that the credentials were imported successfully
  • Delete the file credentials.yml.

One more thing

We overlooked one important item:

When placing a variable reference in a pipeline, Concourse automatically interpolates it against CredHub.

This happens for ((bucket)), ((json_key)), and the two new git variables we just added.

((pivnet-token)) is different. It is not in the pipeline yaml. It is referenced from a configuration file sitting in git.

Consequently, it does not get interpolated.

Platform Automation provides credhub-interpolate to translate a given file or set of files against a given CredHub instance.


  • Review the task documentation.

It must be given all of the information necessary to access credhub:

  • a credhub server url,
  • credhub username and password, and
  • the credhub ca certificate

The task also needs to know under what prefix (/concourse/main) to look up the variables in question.

Wedge a credhub interpolate step in between the get and download-product steps.

- task: interpolate-env-creds
  image: platform-automation-image
  file: platform-automation-tasks/tasks/credhub-interpolate.yml
    CREDHUB_CLIENT: ((credhub-client))
    CREDHUB_SECRET: ((credhub-secret))
    CREDHUB_SERVER: ((credhub-server))
    CREDHUB_CA_CERT: ((credhub-ca-cert.certificate))
    PREFIX: '/concourse/main'
    INTERPOLATION_PATHS: download-product
    SKIP_MISSING: false
    files: configuration
    interpolated-files: interpolated-configs

Above, the four new CredHub variables will be natively interpolated by Concourse, since they are referenced directly inside the pipeline.

It feels strange to have to put CredHub's own url into CredHub.

The interpolated files will be output to interpolated-configs.

  • For the subsequent step to use the interpolate files, download-product's input_mapping must be revised from configuration to interpolated-configs.

The pipeline is now complete.

All that remains is putting four credhub variables into credhub.

The credentials

It just so happens you have the credhub server url, the admin user and its password, and the credhub ca certificate in ~/workspace/.envrc.

Use those values for now.

In the next lab we correct this issue and create a dedicated user with a more narrow scope of permissions.

You know the drill:

  1. create a credentials.yml file

    - name: /concourse/main/credhub-server
      type: value
      value: put-the-value-of-your-credhub-server-url-in-here-from-your-envrc-file
    - name: /concourse/main/credhub-client
      type: value
      value: credhub_admin
    - name: /concourse/main/credhub-secret
      type: password
      value: replace-me-with-your-credhub-secret
    - name: /concourse/main/credhub-ca-cert
      type: certificate
        certificate: |
          here, indented two space
          like i'm showing here
  2. import the credentials

    credhub import -f credentials.yml
  3. Verify that the secrets have been imported.

  4. Delete credentials.yml

Set the pipeline

Time to test the job.

fly -t main set-pipeline -p fetch-products -c fetch-products.yml

Unpause the pipeline and trigger the job.

Troubleshoot as needed to make the job pass.

Verify (using gsutil ls) that the bucket now contains the the Ops Manager YAML artifact.

Add a daily trigger

Concourse provides a resource type called time.

These can be used as triggers that kickstart a job based on a time interval.

Define a 24-hour time interval resource.

- name: daily
  type: time
    interval: 24h

To trigger the job daily, append the following underneatch in_parallel .

- get: daily
  trigger: true

Make sure to indent the above correctly within its data block.

Update your pipeline. The daily trigger will now appear as an input to fetch-opsman. The solid line indicates that it is a trigger.

Version control your pipelines

Our pipelines are starting to become a project in their own right.

In software development circles, version control is often referred to as a safety harness. Even if you muck up your pipeline, you can alwlays go back to a known good version.

  • Navigate to ~/workspace/pipelines
  • Initialize the directory as a local git repository
  • Stage all three pipeline files and commit them

Feel free to configure a remote, but that is not necessary.

Rinse and repeat

Fetch Healthwatch

Can you figure out how write a job named fetch-healthwatch with a task named download-healthwatch-product?

The task needs to be configured by a product configuration file named healthwatch.yml that you must add and push to your platform-config repository.

The configuration file

Use the pivnet cli to figure out the inputs to the download-product configuration file:

  • the name of the product slug
  • the name of the file, from which you can extract a simple file glob
  • what range of versions of the product you wish to download

Unlike the Ops Manager, Healthwatch has an accompanying stemcell.

The configuration file must also specify the stemcell_iaas. Use the docs as reference.


The download-product configuration file.

pivnet-api-token: ((pivnet-token))
pivnet-file-glob: "p-healthwatch-*.pivotal"
pivnet-product-slug: p-healthwatch
product-version-regex: ^1\.8\..*$
blobstore-bucket: ((bucket))
stemcell-iaas: google

Be sure to push the new configuration file up to GitHub.

The resources

For Healthwatch, two artifacts are fetched: the product and accompanying stemcell.

This requires that you model two target resources in gcs, one for each. The difficulty here is the complexity of the target file name regexp.

If you get stuck, have a look at the solution below.


The target product resource.

- name: healthwatch-product
  type: gcs
    bucket: ((bucket))
    regexp: \[p-healthwatch,(.*)\]p-healthwatch-.*.pivotal
    json_key: ((json_key))

The target stemcell resource.

- name: healthwatch-stemcell
  type: gcs
    bucket: ((bucket))
    regexp: healthwatch-stemcell/\[stemcells-ubuntu-xenial,(.*)\]light-bosh-stemcell-.*-google-kvm-ubuntu-xenial-go_agent\\.tgz
    json_key: ((json_key))

The job

The last step of the fetch-healthwatch job must put both the downloaded product and the downloaded stemcell to gcs.

Use an in_parallel step with two child put steps.

If you get stuck, peek at the answer below.


The last step of the job.

- in_parallel:
  - put: healthwatch-product
      file: downloaded-product/*
  - put: healthwatch-stemcell
      file: downloaded-stemcell/*

Fetch PAS

This third job is structurally the same as healthwatch.

Remember to fetch the small footprint runtime product.

Attempt to write this yourself.

Once more, if you get stuck, have a peek at the help below.


Product configuration file:

pivnet-api-token: ((pivnet-token))
pivnet-file-glob: "srt-*.pivotal"
pivnet-product-slug: elastic-runtime
product-version-regex: ^2\.8\.\d+$
blobstore-bucket: ((bucket))
stemcell-iaas: google


name: pas-product
  bucket: ((bucket))
  json_key: ((json_key))
  regexp: \[elastic-runtime,(.*)\]src-.*.pivotal
type: gcs

name: pas-stemcell
  bucket: ((bucket))
  json_key: ((json_key))
  regexp: pas-stemcell/\[stemcells-ubuntu-xenial,(.*)\]light-bosh-stemcell-.*-google-kvm-ubuntu-xenial-go_agent\\.tgz
type: gcs

After you set the pipeline, this job will take longer than the previous two due to the larger size of the artifact downloaded, and then uploaded to your gcs bucket.

Once you verified that the job succeeds, commit your pipeline changes to git.

Keeping Platform Automation up to date

In the previous lab, you manually downloaded and copied the Platform Automation artifacts (the tasks zip file and docker image) to the blobstore.

Each time the Platform Automation team published a new version of its product to the Tanzu Network, the updated artifacts will have to be downloaded and copied to the blobstore manually.

In this section, you will automate this chore.

This job is similar to the other jobs in this pipeline, with one caveat: you do not dogfood Platform Automation to fetch Platform Automation. You instead use the native Concourse way.

  • Do not use download-product
  • Use a custom Concourse resource type that knows how to fetch products from the Tanzu Network:

    - name: pivnet
      type: docker-image
        repository: pivotalcf/pivnet-resource
        tag: latest-final

    Add the above to the resource_types section of your pipeline.

  • Model the source artifacts as a Concourse resource:

    - name: platform-automation-pivnet
      type: pivnet
        api_token: "((pivnet-token))"
        product_slug: platform-automation
        product_version: 4\.(.*)
        sort_by: semver
  • Write a much simpler job (one that does not require setting up a git repository or interpolating credentials explicitly) that gets platform-automation-pivnet and puts to your already-defined target resources platform-automation-image and platform-automation-tasks.

    - name: fetch-platform-automation
      - get: platform-automation-pivnet
        trigger: true
      - in_parallel:
        - put: platform-automation-tasks
            file: platform-automation-pivnet/*tasks*.zip
        - put: platform-automation-image
            file: platform-automation-pivnet/*image*.tgz

The trigger: true setting ensures that when a new version of the product becomes available on the Tanzu Network, it will automatically trigger the job.

Update the pipeline, see the new job in the Concourse dashboard, and run it.

Once you verified that the job succeeds, git-commit the changes to the pipeline.