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First Steps with Platform Automation

This lab introduces you tot he Platform Automation project by having you build a pipeline that exercises a test Platform Automation task.

Download the artifacts

Navigate to the Tanzu Network and locate the product named Platform Automation.

Note the two artifacts: Concourse Tasks and the Docker Image for Concourse Tasks.

You already have the docker image from a prior lab. You used it to run a local docker container in order to invoke the command p-automator which in turn created the VM instance in GCP.

Navigate to ~/workspace/artifacts and download platform-automation-tasks using the pivnet CLI.

Note the size of the artifact.

Look inside the file:

unzip platform-automation-tasks*.zip

Each task is a pair of files: a shell script and a yaml wrapper. The yaml is the Concourse task definition; it delegates to the shell script.

Review the test task (test.yml and

Note how the shell script invokes p-automator and om. Both p-automator and om are provided by the docker image.

Platform Automation

  • Read about platform automation.

  • Peruse the list of tasks this project provides

  • Review the task named test

  • Review its usage: Click on the Usage tab

    - task: test
      file: platform-automation-tasks/tasks/test.yml
      image: platform-automation-image

Your first pipeline

Navigate to ~/workspace/pipelines.

Edit a new pipeline in a file named test-pipeline.yml.

This pipeline will have a single job. Name it test-job. Copy the test task usage as a step in the job's plan, like so:

- name: test-job
  - task: test
    file: platform-automation-tasks/tasks/test.yml
    image: platform-automation-image

In order for this job to work, it's clear that we need both the image and the tasks. insert get steps into your job to fetch these artifacts.

Your pipeline should now look like this:

- name: test-job
  - in_parallel:
    - get: platform-automation-tasks
      params: { unpack: true }
    - get: platform-automation-image
      params: { unpack: true }
  - task: test
    file: platform-automation-tasks/tasks/test.yml
    image: platform-automation-image

We could configure Concourse to fetch the image and tasks directly from pivnet. But that's not a good practice.

Instead you will create a blobstore in the form of a Google Cloud Storage (gcs) bucket, and place the artifacts you downloaded into the bucket.

Then you will be able to model the two files as resources from gcs in Concourse, with the help of the GCS resource type for Concourse.

Create the blobstore

In the spirit of DevOps, instead of manually creating the blobstore, we're going to automate this with terraform.

  • Navigate to ~/workspace/paving-concourse, and invoke these commands:

    git checkout blobstore
    git diff master

On the branch named blobstore is a new file, that creates a bucket, a service account, a corresponding service account key, and a permission for the service account to access storage.

Note also that the file contains two new outputs: the generated bucket name and the generated service account key, necessary to programmatically read and write from that bucket.

Re-read the instructions from the repository's To apply this change:

  1. re-run the refresh command
  2. run the plan command
  3. run the apply command

Make a note of the outputs blobstore_bucket_name and blobstore-service-account-key; you will be using them shortly.

Copy the artifacts to the bucket

You will automate this step in the next lab.

The gcloud sdk comes with a utility named gsutil that is useful for manually copying artifacts from and to buckets.

Familiarize yourself with gsutil

Navigate back to ~/workspace/artifacts.

Invoke the gsutil ls command. Do you see your bucket?

Can you figure out how to use gsutil cp to copy both the platform-automation-tasks file and the platform-automation-image files to your bucket?

After you have copied the files, use the gsutil ls command to verify that the two files are indeed inside your bucket.

Back to the pipeline

Navigate back to ~/workspace/pipelines.

Model the two artifacts from gcs in the file test-pipeline.yml as follow:

- name: platform-automation-tasks
  type: gcs
    bucket: ((bucket))
    regexp: platform-automation-tasks-(.*).zip
    json_key: ((json_key))

- name: platform-automation-image
  type: gcs
    bucket: ((bucket))
    regexp: platform-automation-image-(.*).tgz
    json_key: ((json_key))

Concourse doesn't know about the resource type gcs so you must define it (see

  - name: gcs
    type: docker-image
      repository: frodenas/gcs-resource

Put the bucket and json key in CredHub

The references to the bucket and json_key will resolve against CredHub.

Edit a file named credentials.yml like so:

- name: /concourse/main/bucket
  type: value
  value: put-the-name-of-your-bucket-here
- name: /concourse/main/json_key
  type: value
  value: |
    value of your json key goes here
    in place of this text that you're reading
    make sure it's indented two spaces in
    like i'm showing here

And import it into credhub with:

credhub import -f credentials.yml
  • Use the credhub find and credhub get commands to satisfy yourself that your credentials were stored safely in credhub.

  • Delete credentials.yml.

The pipeline is now complete.

  • Set the pipeline:

    fly -t main set-pipeline -p test-pipeline -c test-pipeline.yml

Unpause the pipeline, and trigger the job. Does it pass? Inspect the output of the job.


Run a bash shell in docker locally on your jumpbox using the same platform automation image. Run the same commands that runs:

p-automator --help
om --help

The same thing takes place inside Concourse when you run your job.