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Provision Ops Manager and Bosh Director

In this lab you will create an Operations Manager VM, which in turn will allow you to provision a Bosh Director VM. The director will be used in the next lab to provision Concourse.

Obtain configuration files

  • Navigate to the following GitHub repository
  • On your jumpbox, navigate to ~/workspace
  • Clone the above git repository and navigate into it

Study the contents of your copy of the repository.


This file configures the Ops Manager VM. Note how many of the values specified are variables. Take for example, the public_ip field. In the paving lab you created the public ip for the ops manager. That value is bundled in the output file you generated ~/workspace/terraform-outputs.yml.


This file configures the bosh director. Here too it's worth noting that many of the fields are parameterized. The values for these fields come from the terraform output.

Follow the README

Review the assumptions section in the README file.

You should have docker installed, the artifacts you fetched from the Tanzu Network, and the terraform output.

The Pivotal Ops Manager YAML for GCP that you downloaded in the Tanzu Network lab is a reference to the contents of a machine image for the Ops Manager VM.

Follow the steps

Can you reason through what each step does?

Platform automation provides the command p-automator to automate the creation of the Ops Manager VM. It is pre-installed in the docker image you downloaded.

Note how the three inputs come together in that command:

  • the config file specifies how to construct the VM
  • the image file provides the bits for the VM image
  • the vars file provides the details such as what IP address to assign to the VM

The command will first create an machine image, and then the VM.

  • Once the Ops Manager VM is running, visit your ops manager in a web browser.

Can you figure out the hostname for that machine?

Hint: Check the entries in the DNS hosted zone.

All subsequent commands are executed by the Ops Manager: configure authentication, configure bosh director, apply changes.

Applying changes takes approximately 15 minutes. Time to take a break.

Verify that you now have two VMs in your GCP project.

Do you recall the gcloud command to list instances?