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The Tanzu Network

In this lab, you will:

  • Explore the Tanzu Network (formerly Pivotal Network)
  • Create an account
  • Obtain a refresh token
  • Configure a directory for downloading artifacts
  • Learn to use the pivnet cli
  • Fetch artifacts required for the next lab

A tour of the Tanzu Network

The web site was recently re-branded from its former name the Pivotal Network.

The site is essentially a catalog of software artifacts published by Vmware, including the Tanzu Application Service (TAS, still referenced as PAS), Operations Manager, TAS service tiles, Pivotal Healthwatch, Concourse for Vmware Tanzu as well as partner products that are part of the Pivotal ecosystem.

  1. From the search bar, enter "PAS"
  2. Select Pivotal Application Service from the drop-down
  3. On the product page for PAS, note "Releases" drop-down
  4. The current release is 2.8.4 at the time of this writing and may very well have changed by the time you read this
  5. For a given release, a product will consist of one or more downloadable software artifacts


  • How many artifacts does PAS publish?
  • What is the name of the file corresponding to the Small Footprint PAS item listed?
  • What version of Ops Manager is this version of PAS compatible with?
  • What range stemcells are compatible with this product?
  • What versions can you upgrade from?
  • Navigate to the release notes and identify what major changes are entailed by the latest release
  • Take a moment to locate the the link to the Documentation for this product. It is often useful to navigate to the Tanzu Network, locate a product, and navigate to the product documentation from there. The link directs you to the product reference guide from the Pivotal documentation portal at
  • Investigate and answer: what is the difference between the artifact named Pivotal Application Service and the one named Small Footprint PAS? Share a link on slack with the rest of the class to the page that details the differences between the two products.

Structurally, the domain model for the Tanzu Network consists of Products consisting of multiple releases, each consisting of multiple files or artifacts that are published and can be consumed by Pivotal customers.

Create an account

The Tanzu Network and Pivotal Web Services share the same single sign-on account.

If you don't already have an account with Pivotal, create one now.

Obtain a refresh token

Now that you are logged in to the Tanzu Network, retrieve an reresh token as follows.

  • Click on your username in the top right
  • Click Edit Profile
  • On the line UAA API TOKEN, click on the button titled
  • Request New Refresh Token
  • Make note of the resulting token (copy it to a text editor for now); it is displayed for you just once.

Configure a directory for artifacts

  • Under ~/workspace, create a directory named artifacts
  • cd into artifacts
  • Inside that directory, create a direnv .envrc file

  • The file should be a simple bash script that exports a single environment variable named PIVNET_TOKEN

  • Set the value of that environment variable to the refresh token you just obtained
  • Invoke the correct direnv subcommand to allow the execution of your .envrc file

Finally, verify that the environment variable is set by echo-ing it.

Learn to use the pivnet CLI

  • Verify that your pivnet CLI is functioning (e.g. run pivnet --version)
  • Run the pivnet --help command and take stock of the subcommands that it exposes

Before you can interact with pivnet, you'll have to login.

  • Use the pivnet --help login command to find out how to log in to your account from the CLI


  • List all products hosted on pivnet
  • Every product has a unique string-type id known as its slug. What is the slug for the Pivotal Application Service?
  • List all releases available for PAS
  • List all product files for version 2.8.4 of PAS
  • If you attempt to download a product file, you might initially get an error message. What is that error message? How do you resolve it?

Download these two product files

Use the pivnet CLI to download the latest version of the following two files to your artifacts director):

  • Pivotal Ops Manager YAML for GCP (under the product named Operations Manager)
  • Docker Image for Concourse (under the product named Pivotal Platform Automation)

Verify that the two files are in your artifacts directory.