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Users and permissions

In this lab we modify the client used by credhub-interpolate in the fetch-products pipeline, and tighten the access to CredHub.

We also discuss:

  • the UAA and its role in managing credhub clients and their authorities
  • Credhub permissions on paths
  • The use of Concourse teams to namespace pipelines for distinct foundations

How Concourse accesses CredHub

How does Concourse's native integration access CredHub? Does it use credhub_admin? If not, then what client does it use?

How might you find the Concourse to credhub client?

One way is to go back to the Concourse bosh deployment and review how the Concourse web job is configured.

Another way is to ssh only the Concourse web VM and look for the configuration file for the service.

Try this:

  1. Navigate to ~/workspace/opsman-director, since its .envrc file is configure with the om bosh-env command.

  2. Ssh onto the concourse web VM and become root user

    bosh -d concourse ssh web/0
    sudo su -
  3. On the VM, navigate to /var/vcap/jobs/web/config, then:

    grep -i credhub bpm.yml

What is the credhub client id?

Concourse uses a dedicated client.

Exit the VM and return to the jumbpox.

Find the Concourse Credhub client in the UAA

The Concourse credhub client was created and stored in the UAA.

If you recall, Concourse was installed along with two colocated services: CredHub and the UAA, an OAuth2-certified server.

uaac is the CLI for the UAA. You installed it when configuring the jumpbox.

  1. Verify that the uaac is installed: run uaac --version or uaac --help.

  2. Pore through the Concourse bosh deployment manifests (and ops files) again.

    Can you find where the port number for the UAA service is specified?

  3. Target the Concourse UAA server

    uaac target --skip-ssl-validation
  4. To log in to the UAA as the admin user, you will find the credentials in the bosh credhub.

    1. navigate to ~/workspace/opsman-director, and run:

      credhub find -p /p-bosh/concourse
    2. lookup the password for the uaa admin:

      credhub get -n /p-bosh/concourse/uaa_admin
    3. log in to the uaa:

      uaac token client get admin -s _insert-uaa-admin-password-here_

List the UAA clients:

uaac clients

The output lists the concourse_to_credhub_client and credhub_admin clients.

What client to use for credhub-interpolate

Clearly we should not be using credhub_admin. We are not going to piggyback off of the Concourse client.

Instead, create a distinct client.

uaac client add \
  --name main_to_credhub_client \
  --scope uaa.none \
  --authorized_grant_types client_credentials \
  --authorities ",credhub.write"

You will be prompted to enter the client id and a password of your choosing (just remember it, at least, until you put it in credhub).

The idea behind the client name is to follow the same convention as the concourse native integration client. The main prefix is taken from the Concourse team name where the pipelines reside.

Configure permissions for the client

The client needs permission to access all credhub secrets under /concourse/main.

Read about the credhub cli permissions-related commands here.

credhub set-permission \
  --actor=uaa-client:main_to_credhub_client \
  --path=/concourse/main/* \

Can you follow the semantics of the above-command? Review the above-referenced documentation to understand the syntax and the options.

Update the pipeline

Review the fetch-products pipeline yaml. Specifically the credhub-interpolate step.

It turns out, we need only update the values for the credhub-client and credhub-secret in CredHub so that the pipeline uses the new user you just created.

You know the drill:

  • navigate to ~/workspace (do you recall why this is important?)
  • first, you need to credhub delete the existing entries, then..
  • create a credentials.yml file with two variables (don't forget to provide the fully qualified path)
  • run the credhub import command with the appropriate arguments
  • verify that the values were updated
  • delete credentials.yml

Verify that the pipeline continues to function using this new user.

  • trigger the job fetch-opsman again and make sure it passes

If for some reason the wrong permissions were assigned to the user, the job will be denied access to the secrets (e.g. pivnet-token) when it runs.

Mission accomplished: we no longer run fetch-products pipeline as credhub_admin.

Going forward

In subsequent labs, you will work towards provisioning a sandbox foundation.

Establish a convention whereby all pipelines for a foundation will reside in a distinct team in Concourse.

Review (recall) the Concourse credential lookup rules:

  • for a pipeline in a team named x, credentials are looked up in credhub under the path /concourse/x/

Each pipeline should use a distinct credhub client with permission to access only its credentials under that path.

Create a client for the sandbox foundation

By convention, use the client name sandbox_to_credhub_client.

  1. Use the uaac client to create that client
  2. Use the credhub set-permission command to give that client permission to read secrets under /concourse/sandbox/*
  3. Store the sandbox credhub-client and credhub-secret under /concourse/sandbox

While here, also store the credhub-server and credhub-ca-cert.

Although these are already in credhub, they are under /concourse/main and the sandbox client will not have access to those. So, duplicate the values under /concourse/sandbox

Create a new team in Concourse

  1. At the moment you have a single team called main. Verify this:

    fly -t main teams
  2. Create a team named sandbox

    fly -t main set-team --team-name=sandbox --local-user=admin
  3. Verify that you now have two teams

    fly -t main teams

Configure fly to access to the sandbox team

In Concourse, access to each team requires a separate target.

  1. Review your existing fly targets

    fly targets

    It points to the main team.

  2. Configure a new target named sandbox

    fly -t sandbox login \
      --concourse-url= \
  3. Verify that you now have a target for each team

    fly targets