1. Personal Experience
You should have experience with Java software development, the Spring Framework, with Git and GitHub, with the maven build system, and general facility with the command line.
2. Pivotal Cloud Foundry Environment
You’ll need access to a Pivotal Cloud Foundry Environment, with the Spring Cloud Services PCF Tile installed, and a workspace in cloudfoundry with perhaps 6GB of memory quota.
3. Software Requirements
You should have the following installed on your local machine:
The CloudFoundry CLI
Spring Tool Suite or some Java IDE
If you are on a Mac and using homebrew, you can install the cloudfoundry cli as follows: $ brew tap cloudfoundry/tap $ brew install cf-cli |
Also, these tools are useful:
Finally, some of the labs will require you to have a publicly accessible git repository. One simple way to achieve this is by obtaining a GitHub account.