Eitan Suez



If I had to define ingress2gateway succinctly, I would say that it’s a tool designed to translate Kubernetes Ingress resources to Gateway API resources.

It ought to be able take any Ingress resource, and produce the Gateway + HttpRoute equivalent.

Here is an example of a valid and working Ingress object applied to a cluster with Istio installed (yes, Istio supports the Ingress resource, see here for more):

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: istio
  name: httpbin-ingress
  - http:
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: httpbin
              number: 8000

At the most basic level, one ought to be able to run the following command in order for it to produce the transformed yaml to stdout (standard output):

i2gw < ingress.yaml

The reality is different, in the following ways:

  1. The name of the tool is ingress2gateway, so:

     ingress2gateway < ingress.yaml
  2. The input does not come from stdin, it’s specified with the flag --input-file, so:

     ingress2gateway --input-file ingress.yaml

    It might be worth noting that the tool provides the alternative ability to read ingress objects directly from a Kubernetes cluster.

  3. One must use the print subcommand, so:

     ingress2gateway print --input-file ingress.yaml

So far, the above differences are perfectly reasonable and logical.

Here is where things get problematic: one must specify a provider.

Here is the list of providers currently supported:


The istio provider does not translate Ingress objects: it translates Istio’s Gateway+VirtualService resources to the K8s Gateway API. That’s a nice touch, but not what I’m after at the moment.

Presumably each provider implementation goes beyond supporting just a generic Ingress object, and is able to understand implementation-specific annotations (annotations were a way for implementers to support features that were not part of the Ingress resource specification).

The glaring problem is that there is no way to get the tool to process a generic Ingress resource! One must specify an implementation in the form of a provider.

I cannot get my Ingress resource translated without modifying it.

Here is one solution:

  1. Revise the ingress.class annotation from “istio” to “nginx”, and specify the ingress-nginx provider:

     ingress2gateway print --input-file ingress.yaml --providers ingress-nginx
  2. The above still won’t work. For some reason I must also explicitly specify the namespace in the metadata section of my resource, or supply a --all-namespaces flag. Only then will the tool do my bidding:

     ingress2gateway print \
       --input-file ingress.yaml \
       --providers ingress-nginx \

In my opinion, the tool should, out of the box, be able to take a plain Ingress resource and translate it, without fuss. If there are custom annotations supported by a specific implementation that I also wish the tool to be able to translate, then the notion of a provider plugin implementation is a logical way to address this.