Estimated Time: 25 minutes

1. Preface

PCF Metrics provides application metrics for your application directly inside cloudfoundry. It’s an innovative tool that combines application events, metrics (cpu, memory, network), and logs into a powerful view that can help you monitor and gain insight into your application’s behavior over time. In this lab you’ll take a little time to explore PCF Metrics and its user interface.

2. Exercises

2.1. PCF Metrics Overview

  1. Review the documentation on PCF Metrics.

  1. Review the documentation on PCF Metrics.

2.2. Explore PCF Metrics

  1. Log into PCF Metrics and explore the views for articulate.

  2. Generate some traffic to articulate and observe the effects.

Optionally use the JMeter script from the Application Autoscaler lab to generate some traffic.

2.3. Questions

  • What might a spike in memory indicate?