1. What You Will Learn

  • How to embed Eureka in a Spring Boot application

  • How to register services (greeting-service and fortune-service) with Eureka

  • How to discover services (fortune-service) with Eureka

  • How to use Spring Cloud Services to provision a Service Registry

2. Set up the app-config Repo

  1. In your app-config repository, create the file application.yml with the following contents:

    enabled: false

    enabled: false

      pivotal: DEBUG

Then commit and push back to Github.

About application.yml

In a config-server backing repository, the file name application.yml is special: it’s a place to put common configuration that applies to all applications. In this case, we are dropping security on all the endpoints. We’re also setting up default logging in one place.

In the Spring Cloud Config Lab, we used application-specific configuration files:

  • One based on the application name greeting-config.yml

  • One based on the application name + profile greeting-config-qa.yml

Application-specific files override default configuration settings. So basically the Spring Config Server provides a flexible approach to configuration where profile-specific configuration is overlayed atop app-specific configuration, and at the very bottom we have common settings in application.yml.

3. Set up config-server

  1. Start the config-server in a terminal window. You may have a terminal window still open from the previous lab.

    $ cd config-server
    $ mvn spring-boot:run
  2. Verify the config-server is up. Open a browser and fetch http://localhost:8888/myapp/default

    Config Server

Note that a random application name was used and it picked up configuration from application.yml.

4. Set up service-registry

  1. Review the service-registry project’s maven pom file (pom.xml).


    By adding spring-cloud-starter-eureka-server as a dependency, this application is eligible to embed a Eureka server.

  2. Review the file ServiceRegistryApplication.java. Note below, the use of the @EnableEurekaServer annotation that makes this application a Eureka server.

    package io.pivotal;
    import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
    import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
    import org.springframework.cloud.netflix.eureka.server.EnableEurekaServer;
    public class ServiceRegistryApplication {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(ServiceRegistryApplication.class, args);
  3. Review the application.yml file:

      port: 8761
        hostname: localhost
        registerWithEureka: false
        fetchRegistry: false
          defaultZone: http://${eureka.instance.hostname}:${server.port}/eureka/

    The above configuration configures Eureka to run in standalone mode.

    About Eureka

    Eureka is designed for peer awareness (running multiple instances with knowledge of each other) to further increase availability. Because of this, Eureka is not only a server but a client as well. Therefore, Eureka Servers will be clients to each other. Eureka Server AEureka Server B.

    For the purposes of this lab, we simplify that configuration to run in standalone mode.

    Standalone mode still offers a high degree of resilience with:

    • Heartbeats between the client and server to keep registrations up to date

    • Client side caching, so that clients don’t go to Eureka for every lookup

    • By running in Pivotal Cloud Foundry which is designed to keep applications up by design

    Understanding the configuration parameters
    • eureka.instance.hostname - the hostname for this service. In this case, what host to use to reach our standalone Eureka instance.

    • eureka.client.registerWithEureka - should this application (our standalone Eureka instance) register with Eureka

    • eureka.client.fetchRegistry - should this application (our stand alone Eureka instance) fetch the registry (for how to discover services)

    • eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone - the Eureka instance to use for registering and discovering services. Notice it is pointing to itself (localhost, 8761).

  4. Open a new terminal window. Start the service-registry.

    $ cd service-registry
    $ mvn spring-boot:run
  5. Verify the service-registry is up. Browse to http://localhost:8761/


5. Set up fortune-service

  1. Review the fortune-service project’s bootstrap.yml file. This app also uses the config-server.

      port: 8787
        name: fortune-service

    spring.application.name is the name the application will use when registering with Eureka.

  2. Review the project’s pom.xml file. By adding spring-cloud-services-starter-service-registry as a dependency, this application is eligible to register and discover services with the service-registry.

  3. Review the file FortuneServiceApplication.java. Notice the @EnableDiscoveryClient. This enables a discovery client that registers the fortune-service with the service-registry application.

    package io.pivotal;
    import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
    import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
    import org.springframework.cloud.client.discovery.EnableDiscoveryClient;
    public class FortuneServiceApplication {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(FortuneServiceApplication.class, args);
  4. Open a new terminal window. Start the fortune-service

    $ cd fortune-service
    $ mvn spring-boot:run
  5. After the a few moments, check the service-registry dashboard. Confirm the fortune-service is registered.


    The Eureka Dashboard may report a warning, because we aren’t setup with multiple peers. This can safely be ignored.


The endpoint http://localhost:8761/eureka/apps provides a raw (xml) view of the application registry that eureka maintains.

6. Set up greeting-service

  1. Review greeting-service project’s bootstrap.yml file. The name of this app is greeting-service. It also uses the config-server.

        name: greeting-service
  2. Review the pom.xml file. By adding spring-cloud-services-starter-service-registry, this application is eligible to register and discover services with the service-registry.

  3. Review the file GreetingServiceApplication.java. Notice the @EnableDiscoveryClient. This enables a discovery client that registers the greeting-service app with the service-registry.

    package io.pivotal;
    import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
    import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
    import org.springframework.cloud.client.discovery.EnableDiscoveryClient;
    public class GreetingServiceApplication {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(GreetingServiceApplication.class, args);
  4. Review the file GreetingController.java. Notice the EurekaClient. The EurekaClient is used to discover services registered with the service-registry. Review the method fetchFortuneServiceUrl() below.

    package io.pivotal.greeting;
    import com.netflix.appinfo.InstanceInfo;
    import com.netflix.discovery.EurekaClient;
    import org.slf4j.Logger;
    import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
    import org.springframework.ui.Model;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
    import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
    public class GreetingController {
      private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GreetingController.class);
      private final EurekaClient discoveryClient;
      public GreetingController(EurekaClient discoveryClient) {
        this.discoveryClient = discoveryClient;
      String getGreeting(Model model) {
        logger.debug("Adding greeting");
        model.addAttribute("msg", "Greetings!!!");
        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        String fortune = restTemplate.getForObject(fetchFortuneServiceUrl(), String.class);
        logger.debug("Adding fortune: {}", fortune);
        model.addAttribute("fortune", fortune);
        return "greeting"; // resolves to the greeting.ftl template
      private String fetchFortuneServiceUrl() {
        InstanceInfo instance =
            discoveryClient.getNextServerFromEureka("FORTUNE-SERVICE", false);
        logger.debug("instanceID: {}", instance.getId());
        String fortuneServiceUrl = instance.getHomePageUrl();
        logger.debug("fortune service homePageUrl: {}", fortuneServiceUrl);
        return fortuneServiceUrl;
  5. Open a new terminal window. Start the greeting-service app

    $ cd greeting-service
    $ mvn spring-boot:run
  6. After the a few moments, check the service-registry dashboard http://localhost:8761. Confirm the greeting-service app is registered.

  7. Browse to http://localhost:8080/ to the greeting-service application. Confirm you are seeing fortunes. Refresh as desired. Also review the terminal output for the greeting-service. See the fortune-service instanceId and homePageUrl being logged.

    What Just Happened?

    The greeting-service application was able to discover how to reach the fortune-service via the service-registry (Eureka).

  8. When done, stop the config-server, service-registry, fortune-service and greeting-service applications.

7. Update App Config for fortune-service and greeting-service to run on PCF

The spring cloud services configuration parameter spring.cloud.services.registrationMethod provides two distinct ways in which applications can register with Eureka:

  • route: The application registers using its Cloud Foundry url. This is the default.

  • direct: The application registers using its host IP and port.

In PCF, it makes sense to think about using the route method. With the route registration method, applications that need the services of other applications deployed in cloud foundry are given their route urls. This ensures that calls to those applications are routed through the cloud foundry GoRouter. The principal benefit of this option is that the platform takes care of load balancing requests across multiple instances of a scaled microservice.

Even though this option is the default, let’s go ahead and set it explicitly. In your app-config repository, add a section to the application.yml file as shown below (and push back to GitHub):

    enabled: false

    enabled: false

      pivotal: DEBUG

spring: # <---NEW SECTION
      registrationMethod: route

8. Deploy the fortune-service to PCF

  1. Package fortune-service

    mvn clean package
  2. Deploy fortune-service.

    cf push fortune-service -p target/fortune-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -m 768M --random-route --no-start
  3. Create a Service Registry Service Instance. The service-registry service instance will not be immediately bindable. It needs a few moments to initialize.

    cf create-service p-service-registry standard service-registry

    Click on the Services tab and the Service Registry entry to navigate to your service.


    Then, click on the Manage link to determine when the service-registry is ready.


    Spring Cloud Services in PCF are implemented asynchronously. This means that it takes some time after invoking the create-service command before the service is online and available. The command cf services can be used to monitor the progress of the service creation. You must wait until the service has been created successfully before proceeding with binding applications to these services. If you don’t, you’re likely to see a message similar to this:

    Binding service service-registry to app fortune-service in org dave / space dev as droberts@pivotal.io...
    Server error, status code: 502, error code: 10001, message: Service broker error: Service instance is not running and available for binding.
  4. Bind services to the fortune-service.

    cf bind-service fortune-service config-server


    cf bind-service fortune-service service-registry

    You can safely ignore the TIP: Use 'cf restage' to ensure your env variable changes take effect message from the CLI. We don’t need to restage at this time.

  5. Start the fortune-service app.

    cf start fortune-service
  6. Confirm fortune-service registered with the service-registry. This will take a few moments.

    Click on the Manage link for the service-registry. You can find it by navigating to the space where your applications are deployed.


9. Deploy the greeting-service app to PCF

  1. Package greeting-service

    mvn clean package
  2. Deploy greeting-service.

    cf push greeting-service -p target/greeting-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -m 768M --random-route --no-start
  3. Bind services for the greeting-service.

    cf bind-service greeting-service config-server


    cf bind-service greeting-service service-registry

    You can safely ignore the TIP: Use 'cf restage' to ensure your env variable changes take effect message from the CLI. We don’t need to restage at this time.

  4. Start the greeting-service app.

    cf start greeting-service
  5. Confirm greeting-service registered with the service-registry. This will take a few moments.

  6. Browse to the greeting-service application. Confirm you are seeing fortunes. Refresh as desired.

10. Scale the fortune-service

  1. Scale the fortune-service app instances to 3.

    cf scale fortune-service -i 3
  2. Wait for the new instances to register with the service-registry. This will take a few moments.

  3. Tail the logs for the greeting-service application.

    cf logs greeting-service | grep GreetingController
  4. Refresh the greeting-service root endpoint.

  5. Observe the log output. Compare the instanceID values across log entries. With each refresh, the GreetingController obtains a different eureka-registered instance of the fortune-service application. Note however that the homePageUrl value is the same across multiple instances.

    Log output fragment, abridged
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : Adding greeting
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : instanceID: eitan-fortune-service.cfapps.io:5fd41912-9480-417e-7d3e-6af3
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : Adding fortune: You can always find happiness at work on Friday
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : fortune service homePageUrl: http://eitan-fortune-service.cfapps.io:80/
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : Adding greeting
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : instanceID: eitan-fortune-service.cfapps.io:86de654a-a134-4441-5b8a-94c9
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : fortune service homePageUrl: http://eitan-fortune-service.cfapps.io:80/
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : Adding fortune: You learn from your mistakes... You will learn a lot today.
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : Adding greeting
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : instanceID: eitan-fortune-service.cfapps.io:f0f68392-d20b-4f9d-67d6-cbc4
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : fortune service homePageUrl: http://eitan-fortune-service.cfapps.io:80/
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : Adding fortune: You will be hungry again in one hour.
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : Adding greeting
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : instanceID: eitan-fortune-service.cfapps.io:5fd41912-9480-417e-7d3e-6af3
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : fortune service homePageUrl: http://eitan-fortune-service.cfapps.io:80/
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : Adding fortune: You will be hungry again in one hour.
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : Adding greeting
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : fortune service homePageUrl: http://eitan-fortune-service.cfapps.io:80/
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : instanceID: eitan-fortune-service.cfapps.io:86de654a-a134-4441-5b8a-94c9
    [APP/PROC/WEB/0] GreetingController : Adding fortune: You learn from your mistakes... You will learn a lot today.

    If you are not seeing this behavior, make sure that your logging level is set to DEBUG and you have refreshed the configurations for the greeting service.

What Just Happened?

The greeting-service and fortune-service both registered with the service-registry (Eureka). The greeting-service was able to locate the fortune-service via the service-registry. In PCF, and using the route registration method, requests to any service instance will use the same url, implying that they are load-balanced by the PCF GoRouter.